Thank Gov.
Dayton for Supporting a Ban on Frac Sand Activity in Southeast
At the Minnesota State
Fair on Wednesday, Governor Mark Dayton said he supports a ban on frac sand
mining and processing in southeast Minnesota and is willing to try to pass such
a ban during the next Legislative session. He also said that the Minnesota
Pollution Control Agency and Department of Natural Resources will vigilantly
enforce newly passed laws.
At Minnesota Public Radio's fair booth for an
on-air discussion with fair goers and callers, the Governor said: “The fracking
frankly I would keep out of Minnesota entirely. I wanted to ban further silica
sand mining and any processing of that in southeast Minnesota. I would allow the
existing operations that are more in the Mankato area and Minnesota River and a
little bit north of the Twin Cities. These areas are not so ecologically
fragile. But I couldn’t get the Legislature to go along with the ban in
southeastern Minnesota. But we did get some very, very tight regulations, very
tight restrictions, that the DNR and Pollution Control Agency are going to
enforce vigilantly and we’ll see how it goes. But I’m prepared to try again next
year to get the Legislature to say that area is off limits."
Take Action! Thank the Governor for
this clear statement that puts the health and well-being of Minnesota before
frac sand company profits.
- Phone: 651-201-3400 or 800-657-3717
- Email: Use this email form.
- Facebook: Mark Dayton on Facebook (Post a comment under "Today at the Fair: Meet the Governor.)
Suggested message: “Governor Dayton, I
was impressed to hear you say at the State Fair that frac sand mining and
processing should be banned in southeast Minnesota and that you are willing to
push the issue at the Legislature next year. I urge you to make this a priority.
We must protect this ecologically sensitive area of the state. You also said the
DNR and Pollution Control Agency will vigilantly enforce the standards for frac
sand facilities that were passed last session. This is important because some
frac sand mines are already in operation and neighbors to these facilities need
their air and water protected now.”
MPR Audio: To listen to Gov. Mark
Dayton's Minnesota Public Radio comments about a frac sand mining ban, click here. Go to minute 35 and 20 seconds for
the question about fracking and energy policy and minute 36 and 56 seconds for
the quote cited above.
Additional Information:
• What’s
next?The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency is in the process of creating
rules to protect air and water from frac sand facilities. Look for an action
alert in the next week from LSP on how you can help ensure these rules protect
our air and water from frac sand pollution.
• You can also read
aStar Tribune editorial about the importance of aggressive implementation
of the frac sand restrictions that were passed: Minnesota must keep a close eye on sand mining
• Read LSP member
Kelley Stanage’s blog on LSP’s website: Gov. Mark Dayton States Support for a SE MN Frac Sand
• For more information on LSP's work related to
this issue, contact Bobby King at 612-722-6377 or
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