Want to do Something Special and
Different on Mother’s Day for the Women in Your
Bring your Wife, your Mother, your Significant Other, your Aunts,
your Sisters, your Daughters , your Granddaughters and Yourself to the biggest
Event ever to Stop Frac Sand Mining here in the Midwest!
Give them the gift of Clean Air,
Clean Water, Protection of our Environment and our Communities by joining with
Hundreds of other Midwesterners on Tuesday, May 10th in La Crosse for A Rally to Ban Frac
Sand Mining and Address Climate Change!
Help us send a message to the Frac Sand
Industry, the Heartland Institute and the Koch Brothers that we want a future
built on Renewable Energy not on hydraulic fracking and frac sand
Join the Movement to Ban Frac Sand Mining
and Address Climate Change!!!!!
Please share this message with likeminded people you
On this page, you'll see my profile, please read this information. Frac Plugs