“Here is your country. Cherish these natural wonders, cherish the natural resources, cherish the history and romance as a sacred heritage, for your children and your children’s children. Do not let selfish men, or greedy interests, skin your country of its beauty, its riches or its romance.”
Theodore Roosevelt

Monday, May 9, 2016

Frac Sand Industry Conference in La Crosse May 9-11

Opposition Growing to Frac Sand Industry Conference in La Crosse May 9-11
Hi All,
In case you haven’t heard the frac sand industry is having a conference at the La Crosse Center on May 9-11 to talk up the value of frac sand mining in our region http://www.fracsandinsider.com/index.php?c=3500&d=4578&w=9&r=Y. It is being organized by Frac Sand Insider and features, among others, the oil and gas industry- backed Heartland Institute.
A group of anti-frac sand activists have been discussing the need to have a response to this industry conference. A number of us met this weekend, including representatives from the Land Stewardship Project, Houston County Protectors, Citizens Against Silica Mining, the Ho-Chunk Nation, and Coulee Region Climate Alliance. We want to use the frac sand industry conference as an opportunity to make a powerful case to the public that our country needs to address climate change by banning frac sand mining and fracking and rapidly develop renewable energy.
We have begun to organize peaceful, non-violent activities which will occur simultaneously with the Frac Sand Conference. We have formed The Alliance to Ban Frac Sand Mining and Address Climate Change.  We invite you and your group to join this Alliance and participate in the actions outlined below on May 9th and 10th. Our goal is to energize a broad Alliance of anti-frac sand mining, environmental, social justice, renewable energy and climate change groups to refute and challenge the industry’s advocacy for extreme energy production and continued reliance on fossil fuels. The Alliance will focus on a clear message of banning frac sand mining and fracking, promoting renewable energy, and addressing climate change.
We are finalizing plans for two activities to convey this message to elected officials and the public. On Monday May 9th, at 1:00 PM members of the Alliance to Ban Frac Sand Mining and Address Climate Change will hold a press conference in or near the La Crosse Center. Each Alliance member group will select one of its own to participate in the press conference. Each participant can use this opportunity to relate what their group is doing and how it supports the unified message to ban fracking and frac sand mining and address climate change. We plan on making a video of the press conference, which will be uploaded to social media, posted to different group’s websites and emailed out to Coalition members within two hours.
The second activity is a Rally on Tuesday, May 10 at 5 PM, again at or near the La Crosse Center, with pre-rally activities starting two hours before. We plan on having several elected officials and representatives of major groups leading the opposition to frac sand mining speak at the rally.  This will be an opportunity for the membership of each Alliance group to support the goals of the Alliance by attending the Rally and demand action by their government representatives to chart a different, better energy future starting with banning frac sand mining and fracking.
We hope that you and your group will join our Alliance to Ban Frac Sand Mining and Address Climate Change. We feel this is a very important opportunity to refute the Koch Brothers-backed message of Climate Denial and support for extreme energy production. While this Alliance is being organized for this event only, it certainly could be the basis for future broadly-based initiatives.
We realize this is short notice, but we hope you will make a strong effort to have your group consider participating in this Alliance. Clearly the presidential election this year has demonstrated that Americans of many political perspectives are no longer going to accept a corporate energy agenda and an indifference to climate change.
So please make a concerted effort to have your group join this Alliance, specifically for these events in La Crosse. Call us or e-mail us to let us know of your support by Friday, May 6th. We can still add your group as a supporter of the Alliance after May 6th but it may not be included in the initial Press Release.
Thanks for all of your past work, your ongoing efforts, and your support.
Ken Tschumper                             Doug Nopar
Houston County Protectors           Land Stewardship Project                       
507-894-4248                                507-523-3366
ktschump@acegroup.cc                dnopar@landstewardshipproject.org
P.S. We’ll be releasing final details and activities in response to the frac sand industry’s conference later in the week.

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