On Thursday, March 20, 2014 11:44 AM,
Kaitlyn O'Connor <koconnor@landstewardshipproject.org> wrote:
As you may know, Land Stewardship Project is
in our third month of petition drive calling on Governor Dayton to protect MN
from the frac sand industry. We still need over 1,000 more signatures to reach
our goal of 5,000 by Earth Day, and we need your help!
Attached to this e-mail is a copy of the
petition. Would you be willing to commit to gathering 5, 10, 25, or 50
signatures? Take the petition to your local coffee shop, the daycare center,
your classroom, church group, or weekly yoga class, and get your friends and
family to sign. There is no age restriction and you do not need to be a
registered voter to sign. The only requirement is that each signee is a
Minnesota resident. We are in the home stretch of the petition drive now, and
every signature counts. With your help, we can reach our goal of 5,000
signatures by Earth Day, April 22nd!
If you would like to help with the frac sand
petition drive, please email koconnor@landstewardshipproject.org
Thank you so much for your help. Together, we
will protect our communities from the devastation of frac sand mining!
Warm Regards,
Kaitlyn O’Connor
Family Farm Breakfast and Frac Sand
Petition Drive Coordinator
Land Stewardship Project
Minneapolis Office
work: (612)722-6377 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting (612)722-6377 FREE end_of_the_skype_highlighting ext.
cell: (507) 951-9166 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting (507) 951-9166 FREE end_of_the_skype_highlighting