“Here is your country. Cherish these natural wonders, cherish the natural resources, cherish the history and romance as a sacred heritage, for your children and your children’s children. Do not let selfish men, or greedy interests, skin your country of its beauty, its riches or its romance.”
Theodore Roosevelt

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

You're Invited to Democracy School

You're Invited to 

Democracy School  

Fri. Nov. 1, 6:30-9:30 pm and Sat, Nov. 2, 9am-5pm

Friday 6:30 pm – 9:30 pm and Saturday Sept. 28:  9:00 am – 5:00 pmHave you ever wondered why large corporations can overrule what people and communities want for themselves and their future?  Ever wondered why you lose your civil rights when you walk across your employer’s doorstep? Or how it is that your once beautiful land, clean well water, or pristine fishing area can be ”permitted” to be destroyed by industrial pollution whether you like it or not?Democracy School explores how it came to be that large corporations have more rights than American people, towns, cities and counties. It examines the way our constitution was reinterpreted and laws enacted to shift power from real people to “corporate persons.”Democracy School explores why big government now enforces the rights of big corporations to extract resources (natural and financial) of people and communities across the country.  Democracy School also shows you how some communities – beginning with tiny, conservative farming communities in Pennsylvania – are fighting back to protect their lives and livelihoods.

HERE IS WHAT OTHER PARTICIPANTS HAVE TO SAY: …taught me a new, empowering way to protect the environment, reclaiming local control… Mary Ann Kae…will never read a newspaper through my old lens again; enlightened on how process works… Maria Ross…awed by small, conservative communities that stood up to government-sanctioned corporate abuse ... Judy Hopkinson …not realize how little legal power communities have when corporations want their way … Cynthia Sheldon …first-hand knowledge of ways to bring power back to the people real examples of success… Marian Beddill

Democracy School is presented by the
Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund, CELDF.org

REGISTER:  Make checks payable to Democracy School, Decorah  and send along with registration form to: Liz Rog, 1591 Manawa Rd, Decorah IA 52101.
INQUIRIES should be directed to Registrar at <liz@decorahnow.com>  or 563-382-8013 Cost: Sliding scale, $75-$175  includes curriculum & lunch. 
Pay as you are able.Interested in donating to our scholarship fund or requesting a scholarship? Contact Registrar.25 participants maximumForward freely!
Hoping to see you in Decorah in Sept. or November,
Liz Rog
for the Community Rights Alliance of Winneshiek CountyTo subscribe to our newsletter click here.

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